
By Nettenet


Weather has been awful and I haven’t been outside the house and no blips taken. These I blipped on my way up to bed on Saturday evening.

We are decorating the study during half term so I spent some time boxing up books and we need a lot more boxes to finish the rest. I also took photos of our sofa bed that I’ve asked Lucy to put up on marketplace to see if it goes. If not I will offer it for free :-D Other than that all pretty boring really.

Oh, I did do the bird count too. ~
5 x parakeets 
5 x great tits
4 x blue tits
3 x pigeons 
2 x coal tits
2 x robins
2 x crows
2 x blackbirds
2 x nuthatches 
1 x dunnock 
1 x great spotted woodpecker 
1 x magpie 

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