Tombstone Blues

Took advantage of the sunny start to the day to walk into town for a bit of breakfast. Noticed that there had obviously been some trees down, as we approached the cemetery (haven’t been that way for a few months) so detoured to investigate. We counted a good half dozen trees down in total, and while some headstones had a narrow escape, it was apparent that there will be a fair bit of damage to others once those logs are cleared out of the way.
It seems the council had done a check of all the headstones after the storm because there were a lot of little notices stuck around proclaiming that a headstone was unsafe and requesting that the family do something about it before the council step in and sort it. From the look of some of them, I’d say there was no family left to take responsibility so I presume the council will just remove them on safety grounds.
We had a nice breakfast in town and then headed home. We do the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch each year and set aside an hour this afternoon to monitor the feathered visitors to our garden. Bird feeders cleaned and filled and sundry tasty treats scattered around, we settled down with pen and paper in hand. But I think the birds know they are being surveyed and stay away on purpose. The grand total after one hour was 4 jackdaws and 1 pigeon. I can pretty much guarantee that if I look out of the window at any time tomorrow, I’d see more than that!
It’s been quite an energetic weekend as I try to achieve the January activity challenge target of 30 hours. I ran a 10K yesterday morning and was pretty pleased with the pace, considering I’d not attempted that distance for a few months. Then did an hour in the gym in the evening for good measure. After this mornings walk, I just need 1 more hour of activity to hit the target and I’m sure that will be easily achieved tomorrow. But I’m feeling pretty knackered now so I’ll probably take it easy for the rest of the week - don’t want to end up with a headstone of my own due to overdoing it!

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