The first of the many anemone flowers to come
Helena told me that an anemone flower had opened in the tub of bulbs she planted last autumn. The tub has been outside the front door so doesn’t get seen very often.
I tried to take a photo in situ, but as the light was so dull under the thick grey cloud cover and with the strong wind I couldn’t keep the flower in focus.
I brought the tub indoors and put it in the dining room which has the benefit of the ambient light from the south. I placed the tub so that the long stem of the anemone’s flower could be nestled close to the residents houseplant near the window. It wasn't much brighter inside but at least there was no wind movements to worry about.
The oxalis is still flowering and the new amaryllis bulb has produced two flower stems as well as its leaves which are all growing up very fast. It is lovely to see such pretty colours again in the middle of winter.
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