Through The Autism Lens


Our Father...

...who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.

I go to a Roman Catholic (mainstream) School, though I have not been Christened. Both my parents are Roman Catholic's but they don't go to Church. They say they are not very religious, but I know I've heard my Mompraying to the Lord, our God from time to time when her friends have needed some good luck sending their way. And when family members are poorly.

I say my prayers every night before I go to sleep. I ask that we are all watched over and when our time comes that we are welcomed to Heaven with open arms and big smiles.

It is now very late here in the UK (10.50pm) so I am off to bed now I have told Mom what I wanted her to write for today's Blip.
In my prayers tonight, I will ask for forgiveness that I lost my temper with my friend Nathan and hit him. I will ask to be watched over tomorrow whilst we travel to the Haven Holiday camp at Martin Mere in Blackpool. I will pray for good health and happiness to be sent to all my friends and family, and all you wonderful people who have made me feel very welcome.

Above all, I will thank the Lord that he let Molli-Mae become a part of his family and I will ask that he watches over her and her Mommy as well. She is not a baby, she is a little girl in the Reception class at my school. Her Mommy is also my Mom's friend. Though I didn't go to the Church service (because it's too long and I get easily agitated) I went to her after party and had a really good time.

Good night, God bless everybody

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