Let it Snow

Sunny and windy - extremely cold. High only 28 deg F and a very low of 16 deg F predicted for tonight. I tried taking a few shots of the storm after midnight; included one in the collage. We got between four and five inches of snow from Kenan, much less than those folks in the Northeast. We slept in a bit enjoying the warmth. It was a nondescript day. Hubby cleaned snow off our outdoor heating units. We filled the bird feeder on the back porch. Most of the world’s blackbirds (or so it seemed) arrived and fought over the seeds we had in the front and back of the house. I tried to capture the scene but they were just too active and widespread to get a good shot. They also congregated in my neighbors’ trees. The poor song birds did not have a chance at the feeders. Later in the day, a pair of cardinals landed out back and the white throated sparrows were able to get to the new seed on the window ledge. Hubby continued his research on VA State Park Campgrounds and we reserved a site in Westmoreland for a week in May. If that doesn’t work out, we can change dates/locations at no charge. We want to be able to go to WV for my sister’s birthday, just not sure of the trip dates yet. Two of my grands are here for the night and day tomorrow so I will be cooking them a healthy chicken stir fry. Otherwise, we will all stay inside and keep warm. Hoping your day was quiet and restful and the rest of the weekend will be as well. We had 224 new COVID cases in the last 24 hours, again that is almost double the previous day’s count. Yikes. Thanks for stopping by. “Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?” - Rose Kennedy

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