A Day At A Time.

By ElCid


At last the clouds have mostly departed, the sun returned and, although it is still pretty blowy, there are signs that the Levante is abating.

In fact it was quite warm on the deck at Juan's for Breakfast Club this morning.

Later we took Duke and Sati to the animal shop in Los Barrios to buy a tennis ball wanger for Duke and a new warm jacket for Sati. It's not often you take dogs into shops, but here they are welcomed and they loved sniffing at the aisles of goodies, food and treats on display.

In other news, last night I went to Marlow's to get us some fish and chips. The lady on the till handed me my ticket and said "You are number six."

So, of course, I had to reply, "I am not a number, I am a free man!"

I wanted some demonic laughter at this point, but she just looked at me as though I was mad. I'm used to that.

Does no one remember the Prisoner???

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