Capital adventures

By marchmont

Oot 'n aboot

Did you see the story about the MRI scanner that spiks to you in the Doric

Don't let this photo, or headline, lull you into believing that I spent a day roaming the hills and the heather.  Once again it was cloudy and dreich outside (why is it always sunny the days I work?) and once again I spent the day chained to the chair beside the radiator.  

Wrote a number of long emails that took much time - Apex, Choir, work.  Outside the weak sun popped in and out and moved around the room.  

Then it was time to go out, out and about.  Off to the Queen's Hall to see Suggs.  I'd seen his first show at the Fringe, 2017 or 2018, who knows, ore Covid!  It was odd being in town in the evening.  It was fairly busy even before 7. The audience was a mixed bag with the expected demographic.

It was a good evening although slightly spoiled at the end by the daft woman down the front who'd already made a break for the stage in the first half and made it during Suggs' finale song in which she succeeded in joining in. He was not amused and it was cringeworthy.

I was home in 30 minutes after the end of the show. The wind is beginning to get up.  Storm Malik is on its way and it is so warm.  Such a change from last year. 

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