Capital adventures

By marchmont

Lion Dance, CNY day 7

Yesterday, day 7, is the most auspicious day to go back to work and again last night there were loads of firework displays, luckily the cat seems unfazed.

This morning, against my better instincts, I did some work.  We are duplicating one another.

The girls went off to Mauy Thai and then they came back to fetch me to Plaza Damas for the Lion Dance.  First we had a great lunch in the pork restaurant.

Organisations, groups, restaurants, condominiums pay for lion dance troupes to come round and give good luck and prosperity for the coming year.  They are accompanied by drumming and cymbal banging.  Very noisy.  They arrive in covered lorries with flags out the back. 

As the display at Plaza Damas was outside it was acrobatic with 2 of the lions dancing across the poles.  Then there was the gifting to the property development company owners and then throwing of the lucky golden fruits to the audience. The other two lions also gave out mandarins and cut the pomelo and mandarins.  All  very significnt and of course there was the God of Prosperity walking around in the background. 

It's very multicultural.  Although lion dances are Chinese traditions not all of the participants were Chinese and there were Malays, Indians and other randoms like me in the audience.  All good fun.

After the girls went to art, Wen went to the office and I went to Mercato.  I'm seeking tinned rhubarb.  Thought Mercato might have it as they are one of the supermarkets with a link to Waitrose, but no.

Had a walk round the outside mall area (beauty, hairdressing and loads of food outlets) and had a coffee and cake at Zus. 

Home I stayed out of the way while Wen cooked dinner.  Again weather wasn't good - cool, overcast and rain in the morning.  Where has the sun gone?

#1 was out on a pub crawl with Duggie from over the way across in Desi Sri Hartamas but was back in time for dinner.  Wen Xin also joined us.

After we watched (with a lot of stuttering starts) 'Everything Everywhere All at Once).  It was good fin and the girls enjoyed it, though maybe a bit too long.  Michelle Yeoh is Malaysian of course, born in Ipoh.  It will eb interesting to see if she wins the Oscar.  It is in Mandarin, Cantonese and English.  I was glad we had the subtitles on, even for the English bits.

And the film was punctuated by loads more fireworks most of which we could actually see.  The ones from Souled Out were particularly spectacular and noisy.

It was nearly Sunday before we went to bed.

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