Just hanging out..

....in case you want to scratch my tummy. He lives in eternal hope and is occasionally rewarded with a tummy scratch. He had a lovely long walk this morning with a new dog friend - and a school mum friend for me. Lots of chatter and a good way to spend a Friday morning. 

Quiet afternoon  and I think I've got my head around something that was puzzling me for the masters. 

Collected the boys feing very organised with a change of clothes, hot chocolate and snacks to go to the local country park, only for them to decide they wanted to come home. The eldest has been pestering to start aying Minecraft and I relented today, he is delighted, I'm full of concern about screen time and games. 

Today I'm grateful for:
A new spelling routine - practised at bed time along with reading and stories. It's paying off with a second week of top marks for the eldest and the youngest dropping just one spelling for two weeks (the 'e' on come is hard to remember)
Good walk and talk this morning - and happy dogs
The latest sewing project, so far, so good

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