Time management

Maybe you heard that I'm retiring very soon. Or not. Anyway. I had to get help from a colleague specializing in time management, rules, and regulations. He's a genius. What I wanted was to establish at what day and time I could go home, leaving nothing behind. It took this whiteboard plus an Excel calculation before we could establish the exact time when I can leave. Result: Monday January 31 at exactly 11:21AM. No more, no less. That means that I will stay home most of that morning, show up for lunch and then go home again. Perfect!

As we'd finished that business he hauled up a trunk and asked me to inspect the contents. You'll see in todays extra what I found. A Linhof Technika probably from the 40's or maybe a bit later. I never used one myself but I know they exist. We had a very long and wonderful chat about old cameras.

I finally understood that it takes a nerd to recognize another nerd and then enjoy it! Boys will always be boys, yes I know......       :-)

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