
By HareBrain

On the ramparts

The weather is back to its evil ways today - cold again, but no matter - a lovely morning with sis-in-law and then goodbyes for another few years - although we did promise to meet up again before then. It was really lovely to spend time with her again, in her lovely house, her lovely location and catching up with all news of our various children and grandchildren etc.

On the way back home I stopped off in Montgomery to meet another friend. We had a beautiful lunch in the lovely Country Kitchen Restaurant with the woodburner doing a grand job on this cold day. Staggered out of there and then attempted to walk around, up and along the ramparts of the historic remains of Montgomery Castle. The views from here are amazing from every angle but captures of them were not ideal - well not with my limited knowledge of my new camera in the hazy light today!!

Hope you've all had marvellous weekends? - they go so quick, Monday AGAIN tomorrow and ........work. Behind with comments, sorry. After such a lovely and busy weekend I am looking forward to an early night and a catch up.

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