Where Are We?

Sunny but quite cold. High of 33 deg F and expected low will be 21 deg F. Up early so I could meet my daughter and her children at the dentist office when it opened at 8 am. All three children needed dental work. This is a photo of one of the three beautiful and unique waiting rooms. Most medical offices are rather stark. The entire sparkling clean building looks like it belongs in a magazine. My children grew up with the two dentists who have this practice. Their father coached the dentists’ mom’s softball team for many years. When the grands were finished, I took each of them to school with an intermediate stop for Sky at her home. That trip was over 40 miles. Hubby went back to PT, he is feeling normal again. Then he started his baby gate project at our granddaughter’s new home. He installed the first two. River was his assistant. I hope to be able to go on Tuesday when he installs the remaining two. His next stop was the base to pick up meds. Our meds spreadsheet needed to be validated so I refilled my 3-week containers and counted all remaining pills, a tedious but necessary task. My other daughter and Brooklyn stopped by to pick up my spring foam pans. Sure hope there is a slice of cheesecake in my immediate future. The evening will be quiet so we will read, as usual. Thanks for stopping by. The COVID count is still dropping. Stay safe. “If suffering brought wisdom, the dentist's office would be full of luminous ideas.” — Mason Cooley

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