Happy Birthday MrRoly part 3

It is still not MrRoly's birthday and it is definitely not spring either!

We pottered for a long time this morning - until the children moaned they were hungry. So we took them to Trebah for yet another cracking lunch.

We then ventured to the playground and the big 2 learnt that they are rubbish at creeping up on "The all seeing and all knowing Mum".

But it was chuffing cold so we left and went to Trevenna Cross to get MrRoly his tree fern birthday present. There was much deliberation and a very lovely young man was very patient AND honoured the misquoted price I'd been emailed! So go to Trevenna Cross as they have excellent customer service!

Home again now - we shall shortly throw more food at the children before collecting the babysitter. I may have mentioned MrRoly's birthday? Well tonight we are going to The Shack for a romantic dinner to celebrate...

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