Happy Birthday MrRoly part 2

Is it not yet MrRoly's birthday but we are celebrating in style this year. Last night we went out on the lash with 50% of Family Sven. Today we barbequed with 100% of both House of Roly and Family Sven.

I was remarkably up and at 'em and in Asda by 9am. Only to be hit by a migraine genuine - not a hangover! I mostly completed the shop despite losing vision in one eye and got home to bed for 3 hours.

I made my first ever banoffee pie for MrRoly's cake. It will not be my last. Oh no! We also did some lush marinated curry fish skewers that were a big hit with Grubby Al! The children turned their noses up at the banoffee pie (except Princess who used it as a face cream) and scoffed a couple of punnets of BRITISH strawberries.

The evening was spent in front of a blazing fire watching Ant 'n' Dec then catching up on Broadchurch. I may have shed a tear. My money is on the vicar, or perhaps the Landlady, or the husband, or the husband's work colleague, or maybe Pauline Quirk...

I am starting to feel that spring may be here...

I just realised the ipad published the blip on the wrong date - i havent wantonly deleted comments but they had to go when i deleted and redid the blip. So yes I do spoil him, but sometimes he deserves it ;-)

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