Gang’s All Here (almost)

Sunny, high 40 deg F, low 37 deg F. Up early so I could take Mackenzie to the orthodontist. After my shower, that aura you get before a migraine started. Hubby got ready so he could drive us. It was a quick visit; we got her back to school and headed home. My headache was mild but I rested anyway since we had nothing pressing. Hubby took our trash/recycling to the convenience center. We were inviting my mother to Parker’s game but she answered neither her home phone nor her cell. After many calls and texts to see when anyone had talked to her last (no one today!), her cousin went to her house and found the house phone off the hook. Her cell phone was completely turned off. Very stressful! But she agreed to go to the game. My sister and BIL picked her up and we took her home. She had a fun time; she’s always been a big sports enthusiast. Parker had a great game, his team won by quite a few points. I got so interested in the game and missed photographing his basket. He had quite a cheering section as you can see in my photo. It warms my heart when family and friends come to support the grands. We heard compliments about my son’s coaching; it was a great day for all. Hope your Monday was a good one. We had 139 new cases of COVID in the last 24 hours so numbers seem to be decreasing. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” – Richard Bach

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