
By CharlotteJ

Ants in Pants!

We have not stopped today! So you have a close up ant....not done anything to this little guy, he is as they say SOOC!!
Our final boxes from our house move 18 months ago are finally unpacked. Just a quick trip to the tidy tip to be done and that's it, its official we have finally moved in. One box took us nearly and hour to unpack as it had so many photos in it and so many stories behind each one. I love actual photos. Oh and can you also believe that through the many unpacked boxes we have come across nearly £50 in loose change!! How bad is that?! Going to give it to charity.

thank you to each and everyone of you who gave such lovely messages to my Grandmothers ring, her ring is firmly on my finger for the time being, although I wont wear it all the time as it is very thin! We have estimated the ring to be about 92 years old!!

Happy Sunday to you all

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