
Mainly cloudy, high of 40 deg F, low expected to be 28 deg F. We had another restful day. I made fresh blueberry lemon scones and divided them with family members who came to Mancil’s basketball game. Like yesterday, we made up a large part of the spectator numbers. His team won by 10 pts and he (in gray shirt) scored at least 8. But his real position in the game is rebounding and preventing the other team from scoring. He did that well today. I am proud of his focus on being a team player, not an individual star. Hubby and I decided to use one of our restaurant coupons and get a Mexican lunch, so we headed across the bridge. Not knowing why we were in standstill traffic, we decided to wait out the delay. While we were cheering at the game, some poor despondent soul was jumping off that bridge. The person was rescued but later died. This is happening way too often. We prayed for the victim and family. And that was it for activity. We napped when we got home. Hubby took care of the kitties and we read. Lunch was delicious and quite filling so we’ll not need another meal. Just can’t quit thinking of the tragedy. I’ll end on good news though. The meds have worked to get hubby almost back to normal. And my sister looked much better at the game. Thanks for the visit, stars and comments. Word is that worldwide Omicron may be waning. Stay safe just a little longer. “I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion.” – Mia Hamm

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