Da Auld Wife o Skellister

A windy day, dull and showers.  Drier in the afternoon and evening.  

Up fairly early, and spent the first of the morning about the house.  I finally got out walkies with Sammy, and popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Met up with friend Julie and headed out walkies with the dogs after lunch.  A lazy afternoon at home.  A busy night working in the shop, and then meeting friends later.

The Auld Wife o Skellister stands tall on the skyline, just over nine feet in height.  She's a neolithic/bronze age monument, and said to be cut from the adjacent hill.  Made from grey sandstone, with quartz veins running through her.  She's known locally as Da Auld Wife, as her silhouette resembles an old stooped woman, albeit a tall woman, and from a distance, she looks like she's carrying a kishie (straw basket wore on back).  It was a fine walk up to meet her this afternoon, always been meaning to go.  Taken at Skellister, Nesting.  

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