A Poor January Day

Showers first thing, and then a fine enough morning.  The winds picked up, and brought more showers for the rest of the day.  Calmer tonight. 

I've been working early shift in the airport today.  I was a mix of check-in desk, and meeting and boarding flights.  It was a quiet afternoon.  Walkies with Sammy after work, and popped by Madeline's.  Mam, dad, Laura, Elise and Olly popped along this evening, and more walkies.

I popped along Laura on my way home from work, but there was no one home.  I might have gone for a walk, but it wasn't much of a day to go exploring, and a serious lack of inspiration around.  Looking from Laura's, visibility was fairly poor too, with the light drizzle showers passing over.  Taken from Laura's, Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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