By lizzie_birkett


I thought this orchid was on it’s way out before Christmas as the leaves were going brown. After all the festivities and being away at Christmas I noticed some little buds and now look at it! Sabrina gave me it about 3 years ago and since that first flowering it hadn’t bloomed again. 

When I woke up this morning I couldn’t get my head round it being Friday again, where has the week gone?
I looked out of the bedroom window and saw sparrow flitting in and out of the church eaves - it must be nesting time already. 
It brought to mind the passage of time and how quickly it goes from one season to the next, how the days and nights, weeks and months fly by.

Nesting Time

Life is full but the days are fleeting
The nights fly by on silvery wings
The dawn breaks with a chirpy greeting
As under the eaves the nesting begins

I watch the Sparrows fly to and fro
Beaks filled with straw and moss 
On number five’s roof there sits a crow
His beady eye watching from across

Waiting for me to put out some seed
The Starlings are gathering too
The Collared Doves flap down at speed 
And Robin and Blackbird hop through

I know they’re watching as I go out
With seeds and apple and raisins
The little birds hide while I’m about
But the Doves and Starlings are brazen

It won’t be long before Winter is past 
And the pale blue eggs release chicks
Springtime will be upon us at last
And nature’s clock ticks, ticks, ticks.

I was out in the garden again. This time planting left over allium and tulip bulbs that should have been in ages ago. They should still do OK, they had sprouted in the bag.

I hope you’ve had a good day and wish you all a good weekend too.
Goodnight Blippers :-)X

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