Before the After

Our pocket handkerchief sized garden is looking particularly scrubby at the moment.  Partly because Spring hasn't yet sprung, but also because the privet is now cleared (apart from the variegated bit which Tony is going to put into a pot) and Builder Ollie doesn't arrive till Monday.  I thought I had better blip it before work commences.

The top section of the garden is my mini meadow.  I have absolutely no idea what will come up this year.  It has been damaged by a rampant border collie that chased cats and squirrels through it on a regular basis, thankfully that family have moved on.  Shep the Bunny has also had a recreational section fenced off, which you can just about see, and has been munching her way through it all summer so that could also be interesting. She is currently hiding from me in her hutch as we had to take her to the vet this morning with a watery eye and I'm not yet forgiven.  I have the fun job of putting in some more drops shortly.....

I have asked Ollie the Builder not to put his bricks on the mini meadow even though it looks like waste ground, but that and size 9 boots could be another impediment to its growth this year.  We shall have to see.

The wall will run alongside the garden/footpath and I shall blip it as it commences.

Not a very interesting blip but more a historical record.

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