Hairy woodpecker

Appropriate photo for the end of a hairy day. This morning I started a load of laundry hoping to move it to the dryer before launching my zoom Bible Study. When I checked it there was an awful smell in the laundry room, and at first I thought Laney had an accident. But no, it was worse, we had a sewer backup! Fortunately I had time to call a plumber, who directed me to a sewer specialist who said he could come at noon (just after the zoom call would end). The technician showed up on time and said he could get it cleaned out in about an hour. Well that morphed into two hours, user bigger and bigger machines to do the drilling, and finally he asked me for a plunger (wouldn't you think he'd have one on the truck?) . Sadly, my plunger was inefficient, so I called three neighbors until I found another more pliable plunger I could borrow. What a relief when we heard the big swish of water going down the drain! Then I got to pay the bill which was twice what I expected (but fair I'm sure), and then clean up the mess left behind.
On further reflection, I am grateful I noticed the backup as soon as it happened, I got it fixed in less than 5 hours from discovery, and there was no damage done. 
My lovely friend and neighbor (whom we call Laney's fun aunt) came to take Laney for a hike so I could clean up, and then I had time to slip out for a short walk with my camera and no dog. Catching this woodpecker was a great way to destress!

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