Out With the Old....

The in with the new part wasn't so easy.  Now I can see why it was so pricey to have two guys in the hall in the middle of the house for most of the day. They young guy, probably an apprentice, spent a lot of his time carting loads of boxes, tool bags canvas drop cloths and a shop vac, probably an absolute necessity for whatever was revealed when they took this old water heater out of the small cupboard in which it was housed. If it looked anything like what I hoicked from under the fridge recently, it wasn't pretty. A tankless water heater is a nice thing to have because it provides as much  instant hot water as needed (by a large soaking tub for instance). However drought conditions still apply so a daily hot bath will not be an option for the foreseeable future. I try not to think about the irony of spending a fortune to put in a bathtub only to have the hot water heater needing to be replaced at further expense. Oh well, I really love the tile....and the hanging toilet....

Spike and I hung out in the office with the door shut for most of the morning. It was frigid and foggy outside and, save for a quick trip up to the field for some Kong fetching, my only trips outside were to go from the bedroom door around  to the kitchen door through the garden rather than trying to navigate the hallway. Spike was freaked out by the ladder, and that was the least of the stuff he couldn't see littering the floor..Not to mention two men...

Except for the fact that there is nowhere to put one, I would have opted for a simple hot water tank had I known what a complicated bit of technology this was. Silly me, I thought they'd probably just connect up the water and plug it in....

David is coming on Thursday with the shower door guy. Once we have the water barrier for the shower, which we will be using in the interim, we will be ready to start the renovations on our master bathroom.As the shower barrier is glass I suspect it may take ages to get it.The hanging toilet for the master bath has been in a box in our garage for months.

I've put in a couple of extras to show pieces of the finished product. It is impossible to fit the whole bathroom in one picture, not because it is so big but because it is too small and has too many 'alcoves'. 

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