Bus Trip

Me and Corrie went on a bus trip today.

Started off on the number 23 from Alva to Kinross. Have to say, Kinross is a bit dull. I know it's got a boat trip to a castle, but Corrie wasn't in the mood for the walk to Loch Leven, so I bought him a Mr Blobby biscuit from Baynes the bakers and hopped on the number 56 bus to Perth.

It was a scenic route past Glenfarg and through a steep sided wooded gorge that reminded me of Derbyshire. Perth is an individualist and I like it. Corrie quite liked it too.

After a magic little cafe - two meals and drinks for £8.80 - we hit the bus station and jumped on the double decker number 15 bus to Crieff after confirming with the driver there was a connecting bus to Stirling. Driver apologised at Crieff that saturday service meant over an hour to wait.

Crieff is looking a bit sad these days - lots of boarded up shops and pubs - but there was enough to fill an hour. This shot of Corrie was 10 minutes before the 47 bus to Stirling arrived. Another double decker, we got the front seats on the top deck for a scenic ride. Spotted a landscape photo to die for near Muthill - one for a dawn rise.

Exactly one year ago me and Corrie went on a bus trip. That was the day I decided to start taking a photo a day. Day 366....

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