Another cold one

Another bright and cold day, minus 20 or below, but as it is the last day before (a) Snowmageddon and (b) Ottawacker Jr. stays home while the rest of the world embraces infection, a trip to the skate area had to be done.

A day spent pretty much doing whatever needed doing. Picked up groceries, cooked dinner, and Mrs. Ottawacker tried her hand at a SparseRunner idea: the mincemeat loaf. Like him, a jar of mincemeat had been purchased in the vainglorious hopes of making mince pies over Christmas... This was actually much nicer. It turned out really well (see extra) - and it made for a nice afternoon snack after housecleaning and reading a couple of chapters of Great Northern? to Ottawacker Jr.

Managed to watch the Liverpool match this morning. A comfortable win, but we're missing something. I wonder how much Covid lingers on in athletes...

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