after workshop moon shot

I did get some tips, although our instructor was not feeling well so did not want to give us hands on recommendations in case he was infectious. He did say it is very hard to get the trees and moon both in good focus, so one should focus on the moon. He also said he goes with low ISO rather than auto. He asked us if we knew about the Sunny 16 rule, which is if you set your F stop at 16 in sunny conditions then your ISO should match the bottom of your shutter speed, e.g. 400 ISO for 1/400 sec exposure. Then he said there is a Luny 11 rule; when it is dark and you are shooting the moon set your F stop to 11 then ISO should match bottom of shutter speed. I did not stay until it was completely dark because I got too cold. So this is a moon rise while the sun was still setting.

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