Sea creature
A short walk in dull weather seems to provide limited blipping opportunities, but I’m rescued by the sight of teasels growing along the path. I’ve always loved these spiky hedgehogs of the seed-head world, and love even more the fact that here I find two that have seemingly transformed themselves into a totally different creature; body formed by one complete seed head, limbs from the remaining leggy bracts of a fragmented other.
A little help from Distressed App and we have a teasel octopus, silently swimming in its ocean world.
Thank you for your kindness in response to yesterday’s journal. I’m pleased to say I’m feeling less tired and more positive today. Most of the time I’m fine, but occasionally the frustrations of an undiagnosed medical condition just get the better of me. Still, I’m hoping that a new consultation later this month will move things forward ….
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