The day started very early. I had a nap and then got up again at about midnight to watch my best friend’s son get married via Zoom. I know - that may seem so 2020 or even 2021 - but it was my first foray into witnessing big life events via technology (please see extra). I wish them both a long and happy life together.

Due to not getting back to sleep until the small hours, I slept in. Glorious! Tim kindly made breakfast and we did three crosswords - such luxury! Later on we went for a stroll. Sometimes I need a very lazy Saturday morning in bed.

While we were out I noticed this billboard, which I had first seen on the local news. I don’t know how genuine it is or if it’s just an advertising ploy by a Muslim dating app, but I don’t care. I hope Malik finds his match, as my friend’s son has, coincidentally by a dating app. Some of the best couples I know met via a dating app. Long may true love reign!

Now, all this put me in mind of the song about a matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof. But, I couldn’t resist linking my favourite song from that musical. 

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