Waste of a day

My human is not happy!

Today I had to get up, go for my walk and make sure I was back home by 9am because we had a trades-person coming to do some jobs for us. I even had to wait patiently outside the shop while Ann popped in to buy a pint of milk because she thought that Mr Trades-person might want a cup of tea/coffee and Ann only ever drinks black coffee so we often don't have milk in our fridge.

By 9.30am we'd had our breakfast and there was no sign of Mr Trades-person so we settled down to catch up on an hour of 'Corrie'. By 10.30am there was still no sign of Mr Trades-person so at 10.40am Ann phoned him (went straight to voicemail) and left a message saying we were going to the beach for half an hour but to phone if he arrived within that time and we'd come straight back. I had a lovely play at the beach. Mr Sunshine wasn't out but it was nice and warm so I did a lot of splish, splash, sploshing in rock pools. We were out for about 45 mins and still no word from Mr Trades-person.

Faffed around, had lunch, watched some more crap TV and by 2.15pm Mr Trades-person still hadn't turned up, so Ann sent him a text message saying she was going out for an hour. The original plan was to go to B&Q this afternoon and then take me for a walk in Tehidy Woods because we thought that Mr Trades-person would have completed all his jobs in the morning.

Anyway, long story short. Ann came home at about 3.15pm, still no sign of Mr Trades-person so she took me along the lane at 3.45pm for about 45 mins. And that's been our day. It's 6pm now and we haven't heard a peep from Mr Trades-person so today has been all about hanging around and not achieving anything.

How can someone phone to arrange a time to come at 6pm the evening before, and then just disappear off the radar? Grrrrrr............... And the worse thing is....................... this guy did work for us last weekend and was absolutely brilliant.


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