A Glimpse of Spring Lake

We woke up to no hot water this morning. We have a tankless water heater that is tricky to get started and although it halfheartedly responded to John's efforts to restart it, the resulting water was just tepid. We texted David and he came over and got it fired up. He is a good friend....

Coffee with the whole gang at Trail House...it's been awhile since we've all been able to get together so it was a nice gathering. Dan, the renaissance man told us about his pot growing efforts and what edibles he is making out of it. He doesn't want to sell it, but gives it to his friends, none of whom want to smoke it.

Maggie has been teaching a lot of classes because one of the teachers had emergency surgery over the Christmas holidays and is just getting back to take over some of the classes. She is still teaching the one zoom class the studio is still offering, the one Monday 8am that we take.

Tobi, the Master Gardener is back to doing once a month zoom classes  on everything from food preserving to rose pruning. She and Maggie were discussing the difficulties of teaching when there is always one person who doesn't 'get' the technology and ends up being very disruptive. It's unintentional, but no less disruptive when one person doesn't know how mute themself and is carrying on a phone call to which everyone is privy. 

Bob and I could have had a grand time discussing our trials and tribulations with the medical profession, but he was in San Francisco having a procedure. Gail was pleased that a friend was willing to go with him so she didn't have to.

On the way home from Trail House we took Spike on the Spike Walk. Today's shot is of a glimpse of Spring Lake through the trees. It has become almost totally covered by some king of vegetation or algae since the rains, making it look almost solid. Spike is so happy on this walk and is learning where all the rocks are and when he has gone off-piste and needs a course correction. It goes without saying that we are happy when he is, which is actually most of the time, but particularly when he can run and sniff. 

A visit from Cindy and Banjo, her enormous Newfoundland, rounded out the day nicely, as I haven't seen her in ages and we were able to get caught up. 

Covid is still surging here but is expected to start waning in the next week or two. The hospitals are full but not overwhelmed. The problem is that a lot of the staff is out either sick or in quarantine. The state has said anyone who is asymptomatic can come back to work after 5 days without a Covid test. Sounds insane to me. It shows how desperate they are, but seems like it will just create more cases.

I'm glad it's Friday but alarmed at how quickly the Fridays seem to roll around. 

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