Today I...

... took Flea to the vets' for a minor operation to remove a small lesion on her forehead. In the waiting room there was a poster detailing a series of seven steps for preparing one's cat for a journey by cat box. These preparations, which looked as though they'd be executed over several days, contrasted sharply with my own process of 'Put the cat in the cat box'.  Fortunately, Flea cannot read (to my knowledge).

... went for a lunchtime walk, which included a section through the rugby club, where I took today's photo, and Underley, where I bumped into my friend, Colin, and enjoyed a brief chat.

... joined my friend, Hugo, in the Royal Barn for a couple of drinks and very enjoyable and sprawling conversation.

... had a curry with Dan. Although I will be driving him down to London on Sunday, this was our last chance to get out together socially. The food, drink, and his company were all splendid. It's been a good day.

I forgot to mention that between walking and meeting Hugo, I collected Flea from the vets'. You will be pleased to hear that she was fine, if a little drowsy.

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