Twisted Tree

Sometimes I think I like the shape of winter bare trees against the sky is better than the leafy summer ones…this happens to be a beautifully trimmed heritage oak tree in front of the neighbors’ house.

The neighbors on the other side of us have finally broken ground and a small excavator is digging trenches for the foundation. So far I don’t think any of the equipment beeps.
Thank goodness for small blessings , since it’s just down from our bedroom door.

The story of my odyssey into medical hell ended today with a visit to a very nice young doctor who actually turned away from his computer and faced me to tell me that I was very healthy (thank goodness he didn’t add those dreadful words ‘for your age’) and that he didn’t think there was any need for further treatment at this time. If I weren’t so tired I would have danced out of his office!

This whole experience has been a classic example of why I hate to go to the doctor! It always seems to lead down some rabbit hole of tests and more anxiety producing challenges….

Another post script… my blood pressure was completely normal even considering the fact that I was in a doctor’s office! The young woman who took my blood pressure was apologizing for how long it was taking to open the computer because it didn’t like her password! I just laughed and she said, this computer system is a hot mess’
I said, ‘don’t even get me started….’

I think it’s time for a nap.

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