Access Baa-ed

Retuning home from a walk on the Bush Estate our way was stopped by a parked car and a man in the middle of the road. 
Just before that we had noticed a dog streaking across the field on the left, where we knew there were sheep - the same field where I blipped the lambs earlier in the year. - and were concerned that the chap, as owner of the dog, was trying to call it back.
But we needn't have worried; the chap was indeed the owner, but of a sheepdog who rounded up the flock, which was conducted across the road to the field opposite, as we waited patiently, enjoying the view. (No, I didn't count them and we departed fully awake).

I have put an extra photo taken across the pond on the Bush Estate as I liked the sunshine on the reed mace against the white bark of the birch.

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