Use it!

Here we go again . . .
Tag Number One. Actually they are supposed to be flags to make bunting, but I don't want to do that, so at the moment I am working to the same size as the flags, which is bigger than the tags we used last year. Eventually I will decide what to do with them.

One thing Anne says to us is - "Use what you have. Get out those beautiful pieces you have been saving and use them. What have you been saving them for?"

Indeed! I have some lovely fabric pieces, mostly hand printed and mostly bought whilst in South Africa. I have gathered quite a collection over the years, always thinking one day I will do something with them. But the 'quilts', 'hangings' etc. never appeared and never will. So now I have got them out and I am using them.This is one example. The prompt was - a pocket with a message  for the new year. I used a lovely birthday card for the message and found this fabric was ideal to go with it. 

Of course it has now reminded me that in the past at this time of year, if we had not actually set off for SA, we would be getting ready to go. We didn't go last year and we are not going this year. Oh well! At least I am using the fabric. 

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