What a difference a year makes

This time last year we spent a weekend in the south. We stayed in a Premier Inn and travelled on trains and buses, in and out and around London. We went to an exhibition at the British Museum and we went to the cinema. We went for a meal with one daughter and spent a day with the three children. I spent hours wandering Hobbycraft with Ella. Finally we took our eldest daughter out for breakfast just before her birthday. This year . . . 

. . . we sent a parcel to our daughter and we had a Zoom get together. 

A compilation of the meeting - Maisie was very keen to use her new laptop for Zoom and this is her and Ella playing about with the settings. They were in their sister’s room and thought it hilarious to switch on the disco lights. Alice at the bottom was not amused by this but was very keen to tell us how well she is doing with Maths at school, something she has struggled with in the past - she has been moved up a class.

Then there are our two daughters: Joanne locked down in Cornwall, horrified by the rise in Covid cases, but says it was complacency that did it - in Tier 1 everyone thought they could do anything they wanted. Who thought that Tier system was a good idea? And it’s nice to see Clair smiling - she has had a rough time, going down with the virus, then having to isolate and now is in school every day delivering online lessons. She finds it harder than being in with her class, lots more planning, but it is going down well. At least parents say they are enjoying watching!!

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