
A Monday can be looked forward to if it involves breakfast at the Ivy with a friend. Compared to the hive of activity it was during the festive period, it was all calmness and civility this morning.
Two hours flashed past but when they started laying the tables around us for lunch we got the hint and left.

Anxious not to repeat the sloth of yesterday I went out for a walk after lunch round the neighbourhood and was transfixed by the labouring going on at the site of the old Sick Kids Hospital. The iconic main red sandstone building is being retained but all the other additions and some of the old terraced stone houses which were used by the hospital are being demolished. The noise must be a distraction for residents in the surrounding streets, especially the dreadful screeching sound made by the huge drill boring into the ground.

My extra collage is of the demolition area and three of the buildings within earshot of the noise.

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