A delivery for me!

Today hasn't been great because the headache I've had for a day or 2 turned into a migraine at lunchtime. It made working this afternoon less productive, but it is Friday, and as we are all at home the management actually don't have a clue what we are actually doing - possibly don't care either. I did get this parcel midday though, which was fleetingly exciting until I realised what it was. Some stationery for work that I had requested. It is the first pens I've had in 2 years that I haven't bought myself, and now I have a box of 10. Just wish there was room on my table!!

Jon is in the kitchen as I type, strting to put the next cabinet together. It's going to take a bit longer without Henry's help. Tomorrow he will be turning the water off to fit the cabinet and hopefully the sink. It's going to be a busy weekend for him. We may have to use our spare kitchen (next door) for tea and coffee production.

Hoping to do a bit of family history tracing this evening. I can do it relaxed on the sofa. My other hobbies - the craft ones in particular - are going to get some focus soon, as I have just booked a table at a new craft fair that is starting up in Sheringham in April, and then takes place on the first Saturday of the month. At £15 a pitch, it could be the outlet I am looking for, but is certainly worth a go, so I've signed up for April.

Positive day 4 (I am going to stop saying what day it is) - just that it's Friday, plus a new series of Death in Paradise starts tonight. We love that, so a great start to the weekend!

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