Decluttering....but not everything!
This is a topical find, following mine and Mollie's challenge to see if we can learn to do the splits in 2022 this week. Friends on Facebook will have seen the starting photos (of us not doing the splits! Lol) I'll add the one of me in the extras.
Back to the note on the back of an envelope, which turned up today while I was sorting a pile of paperwork. I'll guess at about 1976, and my first proper gymnastics competition as a member of Turnford Youth Gymnastics Club. It is dad's hand writing (he always wrote in capitals) and he always recorded the results and our scores for the gym comps we entered. I think dad was proud of me that day - it looks like he was, doesn't it? A big '1st place' at the bottom. It's nice to find things that prompt a memory. For me, I always say that was the best day of my life - I even remember thinking that as I stood on the top of the podium. I can't say that I've been 'the best' at many or anything else, but that day, I was the best, and it was a good feeling.
I had a day shopping, and sorting today. I didn't sing as I said yesterday. It was bitterly cold. But as I was late getting up, I took the morning at a leisurely pace. With Jon's help I moved the table back and for tomorrow only, will sit in the lounge. Hopefully the kitchen work at the weekend will free up the corner and I can move my table there for next week.
I made some decisions on furniture and have taken photos of my old large sofa, and shared it on Facebook selling pages. If I can get something for it, that's a plus, but my new one comes at the end of January, so it will be donated to someone by then if it hasn't sold. I am also going to sell my big ercol dining room table and chairs. They should sell, and I am now coming to terms with not having the space for the big furniture I used to use.
Positive - day 3 - because Jon hadn't gone in to Norwich for work today, we went for a nice walk at lunchtime together, in a loop round the village. What better way to spend half an hour!
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