Growing old disgracefully



..I give up trying to choose and go for a collage to give a flavour of the day. We were up early taking the VIP and his Mum to the airport to see his other gran in Spain. Then I had a meeting which took me hours and left me feeling jaded and with a slight headache. Refreshed by taking a lot of enquiries for the social enterprise - the demand is growing and the challenge for me is to say 'no' to interesting pieces of work when I know I don't really have the time.

Cleared my head with a bike ride to Castle Semple Loch and a cup of coffee while I watched the canoe class. I take a naughty delight in watching the instructors struggle with recalcitrant kids. In the late 70s and early 80s I spent many hours canoeing and dingy sailing on this loch with the cream of Scottish youth - the ones that were just too naughty for the List D* schools. The organisation I worked for had a bland disregard for health and safety, proper equipment, qualifications and pupil/teacher ratio, so sometimes I could be there on my own with 15 strapping young lads who might wallop me with a paddle at any moment. Somehow I muddled thro - but so glad I can now look on and smile.

Thence to the Collegiate Chapel, with its Gothic windows , celandine strewn woodland and sleepy sheep, then whizzed home to have a cup of with the Prof on the deck in the baking hot sun.

Baked trout stuffed with lemon, parsley and breadcrumbs for dinner. Back to some paper work this evening as the sun sinks in the West.

* Scottish borstals

DAY 3 of exercise plan- biked 10 miles

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