
By Grammy

Honoring A Life Well Lived

Overcast and chilly. High of 46 deg F. We hopped up, had breakfast and dressed for a funeral. I quickly prepared ribs and potatoes in the crock pot for dinner before leaving. For years, we had a friendly older gentleman and his wife, who sat near us at church every week. After Mass, he would invite my hubby to join the Knights. My hubby reminded him every week that he was Baptist. Finally, Spurgeon, who was a former Baptist himself, said, “we can fix that”. He invited my hubby to attend classes about Catholicism. That Easter, hubby converted and joined the Knights soon after. Today, the Knights, including my hubby, honored Spurgeon’s widow Jean by saying a decade of the Rosary before her funeral. They had 10 children and those giving eulogies sang her praises for being a solid role model to her children, grands and great grands. Her legacy of motherly love, open arms and great faith will live on through her huge family. It was pretty cold out at the grave site; was glad I’d dressed warmly. We were invited to the repast and certainly will not be eating the crock pot meal tonight. There had been COVID amongst family members, so everyone wore masks and kept their distance. After a short nap, it’s Kindle time by the fire for this crew. Some of my grands went back to in classroom learning today, some are learning virtually and Sky is still out because her school has no power. My daughter and her hubby are both back to work in their offices. Life is good. We are under a winter weather advisory for more bad weather tomorrow and Friday. Stay safe out there folks. Thanks for the visit. Wish I could have shared my chicken pie with everyone; it was tasty. “The purpose of life is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

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