Waxing Crescent

Over to my Dad's today. I arrived earlier as I wanted to leave earlier to try to get some housework done at home. I helped my Dad to clean his gas fire and make his lunch and did the usual washing up, etc. Estelle came over to cut his hair, but after a quick chat she said she would pop round later to do his hair and make him his tea. That made him happy!

I took a few random photos on my phone while I was out but when I was doing the housework back at home I noticed the waxing crescent moon in the still-bright sky and took some shots of that. There is an extra of Minstrel trying to sneak into Grace's bag when she was packing for her latest trip to Leeds to see Sophia. Grace sent me this and a couple of other pics, telling me that Minstrel wants to go to Leeds too! 

Not. A. Hope! 

I have been without my thyroid tablets again for a couple of days - I thought I had more in than I did and was later ordering than I'd intended. Throw in weekends, Bank Holidays and overstretched, few-in-number staff at both surgery and pharmacy and I could have a problem! Hope I get them before my work-shift starts on Friday at least! 

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