South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


I decided to go for monotone for this shot as I think the Gothic style candelabra looks more interesting like that. This was, of course, taken in my mansion taken in the Barn where my art class is held! The tulips were white, too, so no colour was lost there (other than green!)

I have three paintings on the go at the moment - the sheep one, and two shell ones and I can't get any of them to a state where I'm happy with them, so keep dabbling with them! Enjoyed my class though, and there was a newcomer there who was very interesting to talk to. Her father died only a month ago and she has inherited all his art equipment, so has decided to take it up seriously almost as a tribute to him. I thought that was a lovely idea.

We had a close encounter with a pheasant on the way to Art - he stood beautifully posed on the verge and then dashed in front of the car when we were nearly level with him. I'm wondering if it's mating season and his mind is on other things....! Anyway, he lived to breed another day! Hubby told me that, yesterday, he saw a pheasant walking along the pavement in our village towards the library - maybe he was going to read up on Road Safety? My art teacher has an hilarious framed cartoon in her loo - it has three pheasants standing in front of a pheasant instructor and a notice saying "Pheasants' Road Safety Course" on the wall above him. He is saying to his students, "Run into the road...suddenly turn back. Stop halfway across and make a jerky head into the road again..."! I think the residents around there probably have a lot of trouble with pheasants as there is a breeding farm in the vicinity.

I swear the weather gets colder each day - it was extra cold in the Barn today (normally the underfloor heating there does a pretty good job) and I couldn't get warm at home even with the gas fire on as well as the central heating. After a cup of tea, I finally feel warm and will complete my jigsaw (only the sky left to go now!) Blip for tomorrow sorted!

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