
The trouble with St Ives is....................... we live at the top of a hill so every time we go out, we have to walk up a hill to get home. There are numerous routes home from the town and beaches but unfortunately they all involve walking up a hill.

Last night, when we were fast asleep in bed, it rained and rained and rained. Ann knows, because it was raining so hard, it woke her up. Ann's weather app said it was going to rain all day but as you all know; Ann's weather app is a big fat liar?!!

Anyway, first thing this morning it wasn't raining so we trekked down the hill and around town and then of course we had to walk up a hill to get home. And just look at the lovely sunrise behind me.

The rest of the day my human has been doing domesticated chores and I've been snoozing. Went for a walk down on the beach this afternoon. The sun was shining and the sky was blue and it was absolutely freezing but at least it wasn't raining and then we had to walk up another hill to get home.

This evening Ann's been out at a 'Boogie Bounce Class' in Hayle and she actually followed a gritter that was spreading grit all the way back to St Ives. Well our weather app certainly isn't telling us that there's going to be snow tomorrow, but there again our weather app hardly ever tells the truth?!!

We've had a lovely first day back in St Ives. And what is even better................... It's really cold outside but we are incredibly warm and cosy in our lovely house. One of the reasons why Ann wanted to visit in January was because we haven't had a winter stay here since December 2019 because lock down actually prevented us staying in our own home and she wanted to make sure the heating was working efficiently enough to keep our guests warm and cosy, because let's face it, there's nothing worse than being cold.

Oh and Ann has just got a 'Superhost' award from Airbnb for the 4th year in a row. If any of you want to stay in our lovely home at end of Jan/Feb/beg of Mar you can check us out here.

So all is good in the land of St Ives.

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