Back in St Ives Yay!!!

Drove from Ann's sister's house in Carsington, Derbyshire in our fastest time ever. Yay! The journey normally takes 6 hours, (not including stops) but today we left just after 9.15am, we stopped a couple of times at the start and end of the journey to get petrol and I had a little 10 min walk around at Taunton Services. Arrived at our St Ives home just before 3pm.

Opened the door and the most lovely fresh smell greeted us. We really have the bestest housekeeper ever. Thank you Julia. X

Oh and at this point I guess we'd also better thank Ann's brother-in-law, Rob. He took myself & Alfie the Beardie, for our morning walk while Ann was eating toast and drinking coffee. We had a lovely run about but guess what I did?................ I rolled in fox poo. Rob was really angry with me, but he was still kind enough to give me a thorough bath when we got home so that Ann didn't have to sit for more than 300 miles in a car with a stinky collie pup. Thank you Rob. Xxx

This afternoon we trekked around St Ives for about 45mins. I wasn't allowed to go onto the beach because the tide was in and Ann wanted to keep our house looking tidy, for at least for one day. Our weather app was showing 12C at 4.30pm.

We're both a bit tired now so are going to have an early night and then our three weeks gadding about in St Ives will start tomorrow. Ann's already signed up to do a 'Boogie bounce' class tomorrow evening and hopefully a badminton class on Thurs morning so our life isn't all about 'eating & drinking'.

Oh and I have a date with 'Ozzy the gorgeous Golden Retriever'. We're going for a walk on Wednesday.

…...............Life is looking good!!!

Oh and my human was forwarded this message below.  She thought it was quite funny but obv SNP supporters probably won't.


'Twas Hogmanay, there was no one about
The glorious leader wouldn't let anyone out
All over Scotland there was hardly a smile,
But some were laughing in sunny Carlisle.

The bells chimed twelve, no fireworks did fly
Even the stars vacated the sky
The evil harridan was so proud of her deed,
But some were laughing in Berwick-on-Tweed.

New Year did arrive with growing hope
The sheep were realising Krankie's a joke
A tin pot dictator with no economical plan
Spreading fear and hatred throughout our land

We know she is mad...she really must go
So, for a Happy New Year - We Must Vote No

Having said that, we've only been back in St Ives for a few hours and all we've done is have a 45 min trek around the town and yet the difference in what my human can do here as opposed to what she can do in the capital city of Scotland is incredible.

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