It's behind you!

Was watching this chappy on Loch Awe! Told him there was a 17 foot 5 ton whale in Oban bay so he decided he would go there to spot it. Given that he had his back to Kilchurn Castle...I'm not hopeful about his whale spotting abilities! Can anyone stettle arguement between youngest daughter and I. Who owns Kilchurn Castle? She says her boss Ian Cleaver owner of Highland Heritage owns it and says so in his brochures and I say he doesnt. I know that Historic Scotland looks after it but who actually owns it. A bet on the Grand National riding on the answer. IF she is right I pay for her horse!
Happy blipping all
*UPDATE: Youngest daughter who works for Highland Heritage came home with a brochure that clearly stated Kilchurn Castle title Deeds are owned by Highland Heritage and maintained by Historic Scotland. I lose so have to pay her Grand National bet! Damn!

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