Thrice woe!

They say things come in threes!
Earlier I was down at the pub my son works in to collect his work gear from his car for washing so went into the pub to chat. Got blethering with one of the regulars who said something cheeky so I went to bat him round the head . He was wearing a skip cap and what I didn't realise was he had two flaming fish flies on his skip cap. Wham and a minute later I was hooked on a Black Butcher! A sore bugger to extract let me tell you.
Anyhow went on my merry way to take the dogs out when half way up the path I slipped on a stone and only just managed to stay on my feet but was glad no one was around to hear my expletives!
Then I thought oh oh! these things tend to come in threes! A little more wary, I carried on and was happily snapping away at the above view when suddenly all Hell broke lose behind me! Yes Sam the bam the scrapper that he is spotted three dogs who came up silently behind me but were not quick enough to run away so before I knew it Sam had a huge collie by the throat. Extracting Sam from the melee that was by now her three dogs joined by my three was to say the least interesting! The wife whose dog's they were was for running away from the scene rather than help me break up this mammoth tag wrestling match that was going on! However final I managed to grab Sam's stupid little excuse of a tail and haul him out of the jamboree after that the others stopped fighting. Seemples as they say.
So once more I fell foul of the thrice woe warning.

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