Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

T-Wood and Caerketton Craigs

A quiet morning looking at photography tips on line. Also look at mid format cameras. I went for a walk just before lunch in sunny but breezy weather. It feels cooler than yesterday. some nice yellow light in the wooded areas.

Rain forecast for the afternoon, but partner and I head out for our Sunday walk to Swanston. Still very breezy. The sun is behinds the clouds, but it is still quite bright. However, there were no wide vistas again. The Ochils were absent, and no sign of any munros. It even looked dull over East Lothian. Heading back along the lower track birds were making quite a commotion. There was even a wee murmeration, Extra 1. Speaking to a horse owner, it was caused by people feeding birds stale bread. Th problem with stale bread is that birds take it to the water containers used by horses. Horse owners then have the hassle of clearing mouldy bread out of the water. Rain never appeared. A nice walk.

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