Too Late!
Over to my Dad's today and all seems reasonably OK over there. I made lunch, washed up and did a few other little jobs. I set the timer on my phone for the length of time his food needed in the oven. It makes a loud crowing rooster sound when the time is up and when it sounded, it made me jump and something went wrong in the switching off. It felt like ages it was crowing for before I managed to switch it off! It amused my Dad at least!
Brian collected me at 2 PM and we headed straight to Tesco to get the shopping out of the way for the week. The shop was pretty busy - seems like half of Lincoln had the same idea! Many empty shelves and raised prices in store.
Once we had put it all away we headed straight off out again to Fiskerton Fen hoping to catch the starling murmuration, but according to the smug couple in the hide we were five minutes too late! We did see a few flying around, and crowds of seagulls heading off to roost elsewhere too, but it was too dark for me to have any chance of photographing them. This shot of the lake and the evening sky will have to suffice!
Tomorrow it is back to work for Bri and Zeph. I shall start getting back to normality too. I have post to collect from the sorting office so I shall get everything I need to do in town done tomorrow. Wednesday afternoon when I get home from Meg will be for housework, plus any time I have tomorrow, and Thursday will be my day to chill out before my shift for the week starts on Friday.
Brian took all the decorations down this morning while I was at my dad's so that is one job less!
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