Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC


Twin - Gemini -> Gémeaux: sounds like - Gemmo!

Today I turn one day older. I'll let you guess how old I am.

April came over this afternoon (at around 4:30) and brought me a chocolate cake she had made in her bread machine. It was really good seeing how it was made in a bread machine. After that, we went down the street and took some pictures of the pictured sign! I was waiting to take this photo for the last 4 months, but the first of May finally came. April actually took the photo for me, but I had set all the settings before hand and I told her how I wanted the shot. We took several photos and afterwards, we went back to my place and I worked my magic to put this together, grâce à photoshop.

This photo was a duo effort. April gave me some ideas and voilà the outcome. We were both really excited about how it turned out.

Afterwards, we went to go see a movie, Wolverine. It just came out today too. Perfect timing for my big day. We walked to Gaumont right at the Forum stop. Since today was Fête du travail (Labor day), everything literally closes down except for movie theaters luckily. As we were walking, little fluffy seeds were flying through the sky. It was like a snow storm, but much warmer. We arrived just in time. We bought our tickets and went to our theater. It was really empty. I thought there would have been more people since it just came out. Anyhows, we watched the film (dubbed in French) and we both enjoyed it. It wasn't my favorite X-Men film out of the series, but it was still enjoyable.

We then walked back to my place and April collected her stuff and biked home.

Earlier in the day, I stayed in and worked on my paper. I really needed to get it done and I was trying to get it over with before April would come over. However, that didn't quite work out... I needed to enjoy my birthday, so I just stopped working on it once I felt worn out.

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