TV Dinner

Dropped Princess off at Callum's for her Grand Day Out at Dairyland.

Popped to the Renault Garage to order 2 wheel trims to replace the TWO that have been lost since Sunday!

Carried on to Truro and spent four days and hour or so in Clarks trying to get school shoes for Bella and Ally with a 50% success rate.

Had lunch at the Cathedral and briefly misplaced The Smallest Boy hiding behind a screen. Somehow I managed not to blaspheme in a House of God.

Bobbed into M&S to get new socks and let Bella and Ally choose their own tea (nachos with melted cheese, salsa and sour cream with donuts for pudding).

Onwards for sustenance at The Birdhouse and good company with 3/4 of Family Sven. It's not looking good for Fat Club again...

Home again for much slobbing about until MrRoly got home. He put his children to bed and I prepared our TV dinner - fillet steak, garlic mushrooms, onions, new potatoes, salad, red wine and Jonathan Creek...

Thursday is the new Friday after all!

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